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  • ·Get access to the RIGHT exercise without causing further damage to your hormones.


  • Reduce symptoms of hormonal imbalance by lowering your stress cortisol hormone and increasing your anti-aging HGH hormone.


  • Discover a way to increase your metabolism.


  • Increase your fat burning to see weight loss results.

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So many of my clients (including myself) have felt so lost and frustrated in the world of hormones and if you are like most, of them you are sick of it. There is not enough information about hormones especially for women, to learn and understand their body and the different phases we go through. Wouldn't you love to lose some inches,  feel energized again,  no longer suffer from uncontrollable cravings and mood swings, be able to have better sleep and reduce brain fog and anxiety? 


 Did you know that 1 in 3 women have a hormonal imbalance?

Hormones control our bodies functions and metabolism, so when there is an imbalance we cannot perform, function and be at our best to see results!


Stop reverting back to the same old approach of starving yourself and over exercising in order to lose some weight only to kill your metabolism and end up right back where you started.....The old method just causes more metabolic stress on your body, which in turn increases your cortisol hormone and that keeps you in fat storing mode!


We will also cover your nutrition by finding out what type of Food Burner type you are and how to eat according to your food burner type and get access to hormone friendly recipes to follow.

Learn about gut health, anti-inflammatory hormone friendly smoothies and blood sugar tricks to help keep your insulin under control.


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Most people are convinced that in order to lose fat, one must exercise long and hard. This is simply not the case. Let me explain...


When you exercise LONG and HARD, your metabolism protests by making you feel hungry and tired. Your cravings increase and your motivation goes down the drain.


Repeat after me - QUALITY OVER QUANTITY! Your metabolism needs efficient exercises for proper function and results. Performing the maximum amount of intelligent exercise in the shortest amount of time will produce the right stimulus to activate your metabolic priming activators (MPA's). These are 30-minute workouts which can  be performed 2 or 3 times a week!


With my method, I will take you on a 16 week program which consists of 4 phases:


Phase 1 - FORM & AWAKEN

This is all about learning correct form, technique and by working on your neuromuscular connections = the way your nerves talk to your muscles!

So we are going to awaken the nerves to work on STRENGTH, BALANCE and CO-ORDINATION. 


Phase 2 - ENERGIZE

The reason you metabolism has become rigid, is because it is stuck in sugar burning mode. Here we use advanced metabolic training, that incorporates hybrid moves that challenge your metabolism  and make it more flexible so it will burn up fat and use it to energize the body! This benefit is called VASCULAR OCCLUSION = generates a large burst of hormonal messengers that ignite FAT BURNING for 48 hours after the workout is complete.



This phase sends your body into METABOLIC OVERLOAD, so you can generate the aftershock that will keep you in fat burning mode for days after your workout. How?? By using a technique called Metabolic Chains and Super Sets.



This is the time where is all comes together to crank your metabolism to the max!!! 

The hybrid moves in phase 2 plus the super sets in phase 3 are going to create metabolic conditioning at it's best. This will produce special chemicals called MPA's, which are cellular signaling commanders that send anti aging instructors to every part of the body.



​It’s not just about fat loss, it’s also about gaining and maintaining  OPTIMAL HEALTH, as we will be regulating the hormonal balance to keep our stress cortisol hormones down and increase our fat burning hormones – testosterone and HGH – human growth hormone up.






  • 16 week program divided into 4 phases 

  • Includes 2 Personal Training Sessions a week

  • Sessions are 40 mins long

  • Hormone Nutrition Consultation & Master Class included

  • Follow steps according to each phase of your monthly cycle

  • Discover your Food Burner Type and how to eat accordingly 

  • Hormone friendly recipes





'I got back on track even with such a challenging time that I was having in the last weeks. It's true I haven't always done all workouts and walks because I was too exhausted mentally from work, but the times that I was just tired I knew that the workout would give me energy. And of course it always did, but not only that, also a better wellbeing. So I am always looking forward to those :) Thank you, for making this kind of fitness exercises more likable and doable :) They are a perfect addition to the walks!''



'' These past two weeks I have been really enjoying the workouts as they make me work really hard but I feel so super energised and my mood is extremely improved after I do them. I can see improvements in how much I can do and it feels great.

''In my opinion, you have to enjoy your fitness workout, and I can only say how much fun it is getting fitter with DNG Fitness.''''



''I can't stop praising the fact that your workouts are only 30 min long, but you feel every minute of those 30 min. Because they are not long, even on the worst day, I tell myself that that's such a small amount of time which I will invest, but feel so much better afterwards. Also, this is the first time I stuck to a workout regime for all 8 weeks, even when I was on my period and in a lot of pain, even when the work day was horrible, even when the sofa looked more comfortable than anything else. The rest based approach was such a discovery. I was always forcing myself to exhaustion and then the next day my knees would ache, my body didn't want to do anything again, so I would stop all together and I would be at the beginning of my journey. I had no idea that I wasn't making myself stronger, I wasn't making my body do more, but I was actually stressing myself and my body was answering with just storing everything and being bigger and bigger. I love that if I need to stop, I can stop and not feel any guilt. Thank you for teaching me that taking a break does not mean I am not working hard! '' 



''For a long time I have been trying out workout programs but I got bored or overwhelmed with each of them, didn’t really see the difference in endurance, and I would eventually stop with the program and be right where I started. With this programme I continued and enjoyed each workout, I noticed how I’m becoming better and I loved each of them. As they are only 30 minutes (but tough 30 minutes), it was so easy to get motivated and do them..and each time I felt so good and accomplished. I lost some centimetres and I stopped gaining weight which was my struggle for many months now.  All in all a very enjoyable process and you, Denise, did a wonderful job :)''

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